Our Way
We are all bound by cyclical rhythms. In these modern times, we’ve lost connection to our nature. Most modern diseases are linked to the way we choose to live; our lifestyle. The Way of Yin is a path back home to yourself. A path of self discovery. A path in cycles and rhythms.
The path of Longevity. Welcome.
The earth’s seasons as well as our own inner seasons reflect each other. As the world around us cycles, so do we. As your guide, we’ll explore ways to tune in and harness our own capacity to heal and live well; one season at a time.

“Health is a practice in harmony of the two basic forces; yin and yang, and working with the five phases — wood, fire, earth, metal and water.”
Female Jing Unfolds in Seven Year Cycles
Our essence (jing), operates to the celestial number of seven. Each 7 year interval marks a seasonal transition in our natural life cycles, each cycle with its own stories, virtues and challenges. At each turn of the season, changes occur. At these transitional spaces between seasons, there lives opportunities to enhance or damage our health.
Rooted in Chinese Medicine, and by bridging integrative care, we at The Way of Yin will serve as your guide to embrace your life cycles with the full embodied beauty of each season, from menarche to menopause & beyond.
Jing governs the manner in which we develop. You can think of it like an inbuilt ‘timer’ that ticks throughout the course of your life.
“This ‘timer’ carries out the developmental process we know as ageing". - Daoist Neigong for Women
Ageing is natural. Embracing healthy living while practicing the relationships with ourselves and the natural world, we can speed up or slow down this process. Here at The Way of Yin, you’ll learn ways to preserve your jing throughout your life cycles.
Start Here
You are made of Essence. In Chinese Medicine, they call it Jing. For those of us with menstrual cycles, Jing cycles in 7 year cycles. So what is Jing? Dr. Lia Andrews describes it as “concentrated creative power that is passed to us from our ancestors and parents through the egg and sperm; through our DNA. Our Jing acts as our reserves of energy, and is related to our hormonal and reproductive functioning. The quantity and quality of our Jing dictates our ability to manifest in this world.” Read more here.
The “Three Golden Opportunities” for those of us with menstrual cycles are:
Monthly Menstrual Cycles
Postpartum Sitting Moon
Learn more here.
Longevity is one of those health buzzwords you often hear thrown around. But, how does one actually support a long and healthy life? Longevity is nothing without the practices to get there. In Chinese Medicine, there’s a concept of lifestyle practices called 養生 Yǎng Shēng. Yǎng translates as “take care of”, nourish and nurture. Shēng means life, vitality and birth; Nourishing or Nurturing Life. Read more here.
My Journey
I am one of many folks who fell through the cracks of conventional medicine. With a diagnosed autoimmune condition at the tender age of 13, I was given limited and invasive recommendations that only made me feel more ill and fragmented. With the guidance of my mother, my ancestors and intuition, I leaned into natural medicines to not only heal my body, but also my heart, mind and spirit.
I knew from a young age that I wanted to help people. I wanted to be part of something that heals wounds from the roots all the way up. What I’ve come to learn is that healing happens in knowing & relating to yourself, your communities and to our collective home; earth. Thanks for being here.