Foundational Self-Study Evergreen Courses
🌅Sunset Sale🌅
All Foundations Courses & The Foundations Bundle are on Sale for 35% off.
Be sure to enroll before they are archived!
Ultimate Guide to Breast Rejuvenation
This is an invitation for radical self-care. Explore the 3 E’s and how they affect breast health and learn an alchemical breast massage to increase circulation and connect to your heart space.
Alchemy of Perimenopause
As we move from our earthy reproductive years onto the path of eldership, we harness metal energy that is accorded to this phase. Metal seeks clarity. So, we must embark on the journey within ourselves where the treasures reside.
Menstrual Attunement
There's a feminine cycle that links all of us. An innate, built-in biological rhythm that ties us to nature, to the moon. Let’s take a deep dive into understanding our rhythms, cycles, phases and how they mirror the world around us.
Sacred Vaginal Ecology: Jade Gate Health
The term "Jade Gate" is used in Chinese Bedroom Arts literature to describe the vagina, especially in reference to sexuality and sexual health. We’ll cover the basics of our anatomy and how to deeply care for this crucial part of ourselves.