Helping you to connect to your body, cycles & rhythms.
Whether you’ve just gotten your first period, optimizing your menstrual health and fertility, in postpartum, unraveling through perimenopause or birthing into your second spring (menopause), we can help guide your journey with a bit more ease and grace while we lean in on nature’s wisdom.
I’m Kris González, Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Herbalist,
Nourishing Life Tradition 養生 yǎng shēng enthusiast and founder of The Way of Yin, a lifestyle education company dedicated entirely to bridging the wellness gap in reproductive health by leaning in on timeless wisdoms. Here, you’ll find a collection of self study e-courses on menstruation, breast & vaginal health and perimenopause.
Our courses weave in the wisdoms from Chinese Medicine Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, The Five Elements, Herbalism & Longevity Practices. Our offerings follow our 7 Year Cycles from Menarche to Menopause & Beyond.
Welcome! Hang out a while and explore our blog where I share about herbs, recipes, seasonal wisdom and all things health related for those of us who menstruate.

Your womb is a microcosm of earth’s seasons and the moon’s phases.
nature moves within you

Signature E-Courses
Embodied Menstruation
There's a feminine cycle that links all of us. An innate, built-in biological rhythm that ties us to nature; to the moon. Here, we take a deep dive into understanding our rhythms, our cycles, our phases and how it mirrors the world around us.
Holistic Health Includes Vaginal Health
When's the last time someone asked you about your fluids, discharge and moisture level? How about tissue integrity? Pain? My guess is that most of you have never been asked these things. When speaking about the womb and menstrual cycles, we must not forget about our vaginal canal and external genitalia (including our urinary system).
Beyond knowing what we can do to prevent and treat things naturally, there's an opportunity to gain deep knowledge of your own landscape and hold this power of knowledge so that you can better advocate for yourself.
“Kris opens a door into the rich and juicy land (yes it can be wild and succulent) of Perimenopause . Kris has an abundance of experience and knowledge which is reflected through her sharing. I love her artistic and thoughtful flare as she brings the strands of Chinese, Western and Ayurvedic Medicine together empowering women through shedding light and literacy on this important Transition All of us Move through. Kris's work is a blessing for womankind.”
- Simone Williamson, sacredshewisdom.com
“Sacred Vaginal Ecology was so so beautiful. I find myself going back here and there to reference the information when a question comes up in my community. The Flora Balance protocol has been an especially important launching pad for helping me manage chronic UTIs I've been dealing with for years. I wish I had this resource and wisdom transmission when I was a teen. I'm grateful this is available now, in my mid-30s. Thank you, Kris!”
- Crystal Shi Jie Teng, healingbychoicedetroit.com
“All of Kris's classes are invaluable to my personal health as well as further supporting my work with other women. Alchemy of Perimenopause is a gentle, enlightening and empowering class for working with this phase that all cyclical beings go through. Bringing awareness to this specific time in life, learning how to accept and relax into into it instead of unconsciously working against it. This class is for everyone!”
- Amanda Thompson, amamamma.com